
There are only a few steps to install the code offered above. Briefly, they are
  1. Download and unpack the compressed folder to some memorable location. Let this location be $(P).
  2. Add $(P) to the path in Matlab. There is no need to add subfolders, as those are for the Matlab classes I wrote.
  3. Download and install Bertini. There's a pre-compiled executable available, or you can compile from source.
  4. INSIDE MATLAB, add Bertini's location to the path. This is NOT done via the regular path dialog box, but rather in some way similar to the one shown here.
  5. Test that you can run !bertini from within Matlab, without specifying a path. If not, goto 4.
  6. Download an md5 hasher for matlab, so you can call md5(file). I recommend one here. Ensure that md5 is on the path.

You should be good to go. I have prepared some brief running advice, and i have some worked examples, too.

If you have trouble, comments, or criticism, please write Daniel Brake, danielthebrake [at]