
My pronouns

. . . are she / her / hers.

I am a trans woman. Why? In the end, it requires literally no justification whatsoever, any more than any other person using any other pronouns. Nonetheless,

my story begins with

an epiphany

in about June 2016. Laying in bed, I googled phrases that were running through my mind. I do not remember any exact, or even good approximate, such phrases. But they led me to r/genderqueer and r/genderfluid, where I read stories from other people wondering the same things. Is it ok that I experiment with gender expression? Is something wrong with me that I have wanted to be a girl my whole life? Who am I?

I stayed there for a while, sharing some thoughts on gender and femininity.

Finding the words to describe my experiences and feelings was empowering. I have names for things! And, I have long known that to name something is to start to exert power over it.

genderqueer. transgender. transwoman. transsexual. genderfuck. transition. amab. mtf.

As I learned about the trans world, I reframed and shed many previously held assumptions and interpretations about limitations to my gender, and started to become the person I always wanted to be.

My whole life I have felt a yearning for femininity. I assert myself as femme, female, feminine.

My name is Silviana Amethyst, and I am a trans woman.